New Old Books - Paris - 1 Paris à Table - Eugène Briffaut - 1846 Review will follow, am still reading
The Cook and his Wife The métier of cook is one of the travelling professions: the cook takes his experience, knowledge and set of knifes – and perhaps even his wife – and takes service where his expertise is needed. Court kitchen, downstairs at the manor, in a hotel, or a restaurant. It’s partly how the
New old book - A Provencal Table Prolific food writer and painter Richard Olney published his book on the French Provencal cuisine in 1995. It finally found it's way to my home library. Recipies by Lulu Peyraud, proprietor - together with her husband Lucien - of the Domaine Tempier. Am still reading, so more will
Fresh Start This is the brand new site by Lizet Kruyff that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, we're still rather in the experimental stage, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and
Kalkoen voor het doopfeestmaal Half december 1553 vindt het doopfeest van Maria van Nassau plaats. Culinair historica Lizet Kruyff stuit op het boodschappenlijstje voor het feestmaal. Er staan onder meer 24 kalkoenhennen op. Waar kwamen die vandaan? Begin december 1553, heel Breda roezemoest, zeker het Kasteel van Willem van Oranje-Nassau. Willem is dan net